
Cadaalad, Dil Toogasho iyo Lacag (VIDEO)

Dambiilayaasha ku jira Xabsiga Boosaaso ayaa qaarkood ay ku xukuman yihiin dil toogasho ah, Jamaal Cusmaan oo ah weriye u shaqeeya Channel 4 (UK) ayaa kasoo duubay warbixin naxdin leh oo hadana cajiib ah.

Daawo Muuqaalkan sida hagaagsan la isugu soo dubariday.

Video: Channel 4



About Chief Editor

Abdirizak Yonis is a senior chief editor at Bartamaha Media (a SMO "Somali Multimedia Organisation" Company), where he oversees the Bartamaha News outlet. Abdirizak was previously the National news editor of Bartamaha dot com. He has written for the site since the late 2012
Category : VIDEOS, Wararka Maanta.
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