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PUSH Dhalinyaro Isku bahaysatay in ay ka caawiyaan Caafimaad darada ka jirta Soomaaliya ayaa waxay qabteen banaamij ay ugu baahaynayeen Cusbitaalo Soomaaliya ka dhisan waxayan ku soo casumeen dad badan oo u leh cilmi dhibta ka jirta caafimaadka Soomaaliya Uruka soo qaban qabiyey banaamijkan waxaa la yiraahdaa PUSH Marka la soo gaabiyo magacooda. ...

Samatar Sooyaan, Qoraaga buugga (Singal Maadar) Qoraa Somaliyeed oo aanu ka waraysanay Buug cusub oo uu qoray. Samatar Sooyaan waa wiil da’ yar oo ku caan baxay qoraalka afkeena hooyo. waxaan kula talin lahayn hadaad doonayso inaad akhrisato sheeko Soomaali ku qoran oo ku cajab galisa inaad raadsato buugaas Singal Maadar. Waxaad ka gadan kartaa buugga halkan ...

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) – A number of Minneapolis-area Somalis are being asked to testify before a federal grand jury. It’s part of an investigation into whether young Somali-American men were radicalized here and recruited to fight with terror groups in their homeland. Details about the investigation are limited because grand jury proceedings are secret. Government...Continue reading »

MinnPost — It seems like a strange idea: get a group of about 85 Somali and Swedish Americans together, mix them up at different tables, and ask them to talk about their communities, their immigration experiences and their identity as an American with deep cultural roots. On the surface, you might not expect that the two groups would have a lot in common. Swedes...Continue reading »

"Seifert: No taxpayer support for pirate lovers and terrorists." ST. PAUL (AP) ― A Minnesota lawmaker said he wants to ensure that no taxpayer dollars or state grants go to groups supporting pirates, after a Twin Cities-based Somali advocate said he helped get an attorney for the Somali teen facing piracy and hostage-taking charges. House Minority Leader...Continue reading »

Amina Harun Ogaysii dhamaan dadka degan Magalada Miineapolis, MN waxaa jira wiig loogu tala galay In laguxuso wiiga dadka ay soo gaadhay dhibaatooyinka la xiriira dil, dhac iyo dhawacyo wiigan oo lagag hadalay sidii loola wadaagi lahaa dadka dhibtaasi soo gaartay loogana feejignaanlaha sidii aanay mid la mida dhibaatooyinkan oo kale aanay dhicin. ...

Wasiirka Jaaliyadaha Dibadda, Cabdullaahi Axmed Cabdulle (Azhari) oo si weyn loogu soo dhoweeyay Magaalada Minneapolis, Minnesota Halkan ka daawo sawiradii Xafladda. ...

Columbus, Ohio By JAMES WALSH and RICHARD MERYHEW, Star Tribune staff writers COLUMBUS, OHIO – In a corner office of a strip mall here, Somali leaders are working on a mission that has its roots in a string of sudden disappearances more than 700 miles away. While federal agents and Somali leaders in the Twin Cities struggle to find answers to whether up to 20 young...Continue reading »

Two Somali men who are longtime Minnesota residents discuss the major concerns of Somalis living in Minnesota, including whether young men are being recruited to fight with terrorists. Guests Ahmed Samatar: Dean of the Institute for Global Citizenship at Macalester College in St. Paul. He is a native of Somalia and a U.S. citizen. Hussein Samatar: Founder and executive...Continue reading »

Lola Mohamed Nur Poems Islam Awareness week 2009 Minneapolis, MN Lola M. Nur Roda Hasan ...

Qaar ka mikda dhalinyarada Ururuka Gravity Of Hope oo ah urur dhalinyaro reer Minnesota ah Abaabuleen waxay ugu tala galeen in ya ku caawiyaan dadka ku dhiban Dalkii Hooyo. ...

Dhanka bidix Fanaanka weyn Aargoos, Dhanka Midig Cabdixakiin BR Qosol & Qaraami waa barnaamij aanu ugu talagalay in lagu bar baariyo Fanka iyo Suugaanta Wuxuu ka dhacaa Makhaaxida kutaal Minnihaha (Minneapolis) oo la yiraahdo 1st Cup Coffe. Bartamaha Media oo ah kuwa ugu horreeya oo had iyo goor usoo jeeda inay aruuriyaan hiddaha, dhaqanka iyo suugaanta Soomaaliyeed...Continue reading »

MINNEAPOLIS, April 13 (Reuters) – A Minnesota court panel ruled on Monday that Democrat Al Franken beat Republican incumbent Norm Coleman in the long-fought contest for a U.S. Senate seat and said the comic turned politician should be certified as the winner. The contest, however, is far from over. Coleman has already said he would appeal the widely anticipated ruling...Continue reading »

Masaajidka iyo Xarun dhaqameedka Dar Al-Hijrah ayaa al baabada u furay kuna soo dhaweeyay dhamaan dadka degan kuna dhaqan labadda magaalo ee mataanaha ah (Minneapolis/St.Paul) iyo nawaaxigooda ee Gobolka Minnesota. Xafladdan ayaa waxay dhacday Khamiistii, April 2, 2009. Maamulka Masaajidka iyo Xarunta Darul-Hijra ayaa sheegay in cidkasta oo rabta ama khusaynaysa in ay...Continue reading »

Dukaanka FSG. Dukaankan ayaa lagu gadaa dhar kala nooc ah, cajaladdaha, kabaha iyo alaabo kala duwan. Waaxda sir raadinta ee FBI da ayaa waxay maanta baartay saddex xawaaladood oo ku yaala magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota. FBI da ayaa maanta iyaga oo wata warqad iyo cadeyn ogolaansho u siinaysa in ay baaran xawaaladdaha kala ah, Al-Mustaqbal, Qaran Express iyo...Continue reading »

Mohamed Ali, 11 plays at a McDonald's indoor playground in Toronto. (Yvonne Berg for The Globe and Mail) MARINA JIMÉNEZ  –   Globe and Mail Idar Hassan named her third child Ali, after a beloved cousin. Beautiful and alert, Ali could say “dada” and cruise around the living room, hanging onto furniture, by the time he was eight months old. But...Continue reading »

  By MAURA LERNER, Star Tribune Until a few months ago, Idil Abdull avoided taking her 6-year-old son out in public. She worried that strangers would stare at Abdullahi, with his angelic face and gap-toothed smile, and wonder: “What’s wrong with him?” She even tried to hide the truth, that he has autism, from her own family. She’s not hiding...Continue reading »