Somalia in 2014 exported a record five million livestock to markets in the Gulf of Arabia thanks to heavy investments in animal disease prevention backed by the European Union and the United Kingdom, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said today.
This is the highest number of live animals exported from Somalia in the last 20 years.
The FAO data indicates that Somalia exported 4.6 million goats and sheep, 340,000 cattle and 77,000 camels in 2014, worth an estimated $360 million. Livestock is the mainstay of the Somali economy, contributing 40 per cent to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).
“This shows that despite the challenges, the Somali people are successfully working to improve their economy and food security,” said Richard Trenchard, head of FAO’s office for Somalia. “FAO and our partners are committed to remaining engaged and involved in supporting those efforts.”
Buyers from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and United Arab Emirates have all taken advantage of Somalia’s thriving livestock scene and its improved disease surveillance and control mechanisms. Saudi Arabia, in particular, has contributed to steadily rising exports over the last six years, following a move to lift a nine-year ban on the import of livestock from Somalia.
Transboundary animal diseases have been a major concern because they can kill large numbers of animals, resulting in food shortages, market disruptions and trade and export barriers.
Every year, FAO vaccinates an average of 12 million animals in Somalia against peste des petits ruminants (PPR) – a highly contagious and often deadly viral disease of goats. Another 12 million goats are treated and vaccinated every year against Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP), a source of major losses among Somali livestock producers.
In addition to animal health campaigns, four modern slaughterhouses, four meat markets and three livestock markets are also boosting local livestock trade across Somalia.
“There is no doubt that livestock is, and will remain for a long time, central to the Somali economy,” said Mr. Trenchard.
Continued investment in building Somali livestock institutions is key to boosting incomes, reducing the vulnerability of rural households, and steering the future growth of the sector, according to Mr. Trenchard, who says the livestock sector is at a tipping point.
“An investment in livestock means an investment in economic growth for the whole of Somalia,” he said.
In May 2015, FAO will start training 150 Somalis in curing leather, a potentially lucrative opportunity for the entire livestock sector, while an EU-funded programme is underway to improve milk quality in northwestern Somalia, one of the country’s main milk production regions.
The 2014 figures represent an optimum level of live animal export for Somalia, according to FAO experts, who urge producers to shift focus towards export of meat and other by-products.
A livestock certification system developed by FAO along the Galkayo-Bossaso livestock corridor will further help to ensure high quality livestock for local consumption and export.

Somali security agencies on Wednesday warned of possible terror attacks on various major public places in the capital Mogadishu by the militant group Al- Shabaab.
Security Ministry spokesman Mohamed Yusuf told Xinhua the police had compiled intelligence reports which point to likely attacks on mosques, markets, hospitals and other public places.
Yusuf said all security agencies in the city have tightened security in major public places and has called on members of the public to be vigilant.
“We have credible information that Al-Shabaab militants are planning to launch massive attacks on public places in the city. As a result, we have increased security surveillance in all parts of the city especially in public places,” Yusuf said. “The public may be inconvenienced during this period, but we call for cooperation and vigilance from everyone,” he added.
Al-Shabaab has carried out several attacks in the recent past in Mogadishu, including one on the education headquarters which killed at least 20 people earlier this month.
The Second phase of a high level forum between Somalia Federal Government and the Federal states is reportedly scheduled to kick off in Garowe, the Puntland capital,today in the afternoon, RBC Reports.
Somalia Federal Government President Hassan Shiekh Mohamud and the Federal States President have shown up in Garowe, with the will to attend the conference which its first phase was held in Mogadishu at the presence of Puntland, South West and Jubbaland Presidents, Somali capital earlier the year.
A day after Somali President Hassan Shiekh Mohamud reached Puntland, the presidents of regional administration, Jubbaland and South-West, have also arrived Garowe, meeting high profile reception from the Puntland government and people.
Amid Somali leaders are in Garowe, the second round of a high level consultation conference between the Federal Government and member states is reportedly set to commence in Garowe.
The main agendas on the table are said to be the “New Deal” compact and the would-be General elections in Somalia as well as the upcoming interim administrations including Gal-gudud and Southern Mudug.
[contextly_auto_sidebar id=”A98WA7x72zWu2vZoCsjhNPi9iza16Isw”Muqdisho (Bartamaha)Dalladda SOSCENSA waxay soo abaabushay taariikhdu maray ahady 21
bishii Abriil 2015 kulan looga hadlayay arrimaha hiigsidka cusub oo
ay ka soo qaybgaleen ururada Bulshada Rayidka ah qaybahooda kale duwan
kuwaas oo gaarayay 30 xubnood, kulanku wuxuu ka dhacay xarunta
Dalladda ee shirarka, waxay ka qayb galayaashu uga doodeen doorka
bulshada rayidka iyo waxa ahayd in laga faa’iido hiigsiga cusub ,
kulan ka waxaa shir gudoominayay Gudoomiyaha Dalladda SOSCENSA
Cabdullahi Maxamed Shirwac. waxaa ka qayb galayaasha warbixin kooban
ka siiyay hiigsiga cusub mudane Prof Xuseen Jimcaale isaga oo si
kooban uga hadlay hiigsiga cusub iyo wadamada loogu talagay
“New Deal ka wuxuu yahay mid loogu talagalay in lagu caawiyo1.5
billion oo ku nool wadamada sida Soomaaliya oo kale ay ka dhaceen
dagaalada sokeeya, mana ahan wax ku bilowday Soomaaliya. Asalkiisu
wuxuu ka bilowday Maraykanka kadibna waxaa loo isticmaalay in lagu
caawiyo wadamada burbursan si dib loogu dhiso ujeedkiisu waa sidaas,
waxaa jira G7 ex wadama la yiraahdo oo hada maraya ilaa 20 lagana
yaabo in ay kuwo kale ku soo biiraan sida Yamen iyo Siiriya, waxay u
ekayd in Soomaaliya horay u soconayso, waxaa loogu talagay in lagu
dhiso kalsoonida dadkii dagaalay, si ay u dhistaan hayadihii burburay,
nabad iyo wadan dhisid( Peace building and state Building Goal) kuwaas
uu kala qaybsama, arimaha amaanka, arimaha siyaasada, arimaha adeega
bulshada,” ayuu yiri Prof Xuseen Jimacaale ma ahan cashar aan idin
siinayo ee waa furitaan aan idin xasuusinayo hiigsiga cusub,
Dood dheer kadib waxay ka qayb galayaashii isla gaarteen inuu maqan
yahay doorkii bulshada rayidka iyo in aysan bulshaweynta Soomaaliyeed
aysan fahamsanayn Hiigsiga cusub, ayaga oo ku tilmaamay in uu yahay
wax dambiil ku jira oo nin madaxa u saaran dhulkana uusan u ogalayn
taas oo ay ula jeedeen in beesha caalamku gacanta ku haystaso
Soomaaliduna u madaxbanaanayn arimaha Hiigsiga cusub,
W/D Amiin Yuusuf Khasaro

Authorities want the U.N. to close Dadaab refugee camp, which they say is used by al-Shabab to attack targets in Kenya
Salat became a member of the Islamist al-Shabab group in Somalia more by bad luck than inclination; he happened to be one of nine boys standing by the school gate when the group raided his school looking for “recruits.”
The younger boys were separated into two groups; some were sent to cook, others like Salat, were given clubs and sent into Mogadishu’s marketplaces to beat people acting outside of their interpretation of Islamic law.
“We beat the people who kept their shops open, who were not in the mosques,” he says, “They told us, during prayer time, go to the market and beat the people who were not praying. They said they would kill us if we did not listen.”
Weeks later, convinced he would be killed, Salat escaped the al-Shabab compound and fled to Kenya and the Dadaab refugee camp, home to around 350,000 mainly Somali refugees.
In the wake of the al-Shabab attack in April at Garissa University in which 148 people were killed, Kenyan vice-president William Ruto said the camp was used by al-Shabab and demanded the United Nations close Dadaab within 90 days. Leonard Zulu, an official of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Dadaab, explains that aside from the logistical impossibility of repatriating the refugees within that timeframe, returning them to Somalia would be “a humanitarian catastrophe.”
Dadaab has been good for Salat. He did not tell the U.N. of his association with al-Shabab so does not want his surname published. He first worked as a porter at the camp and he now sells the drug khat which is common and legal in East Africa. “I expected a better life here and already that’s progress. So I expect more big life changes,” he says.
Fartun Hassan, 20, has been at the camp for less than a year. She left Somalia alone after al-Shabab killed her friends at their streetside tea stand one morning. The women were killed because they often sold tea to police officers stationed nearby. Her parents are dead and she had recently lost a brother who was killed by an al-Shabab bomb targeting African Union soldiers.
Fartun missed out on education in Somalia but she is working on her English because now, she says, “I can have a future.” She hopes to be a teacher, to teach business studies and math but sees no hope in a return to Somalia.
Most refugees here have lived in Dadaab for decades after fleeing when Somalia collapsed into civil war in the early 1990s. Many young people were born here and for these Kenyan-born refugees, Somalia is foreign and al-Shabab are only known through news reports and gossip.
Ibrahim Omar, a 22-year-old student, was born in Dadaab, and is contemptuous of the Somalis who join al-Shabab. “Those guys in Somalia, they’re less educated. They’re given false promises that they’ll get money, power, guns, then they do suicides. They kill themselves before they even get any of that money,” he says.
Mohammed Hussein Mahamud,23, a Kenyan-born Somali student, is concerned repatriation would disrupt his last secondary school exam, scheduled for November. He needs to take it in order to go to university, and on to medical school, he explains in near-perfect English.
Salat says the camp is a major improvement on life in Somalia. “Here everybody is busy, people are working or have education. There, there is nothing to do. The only option is to join the militants in order to get your daily bread,” he says.
He is certain that he, along with his children, will be forced into al-Shabab’s ranks if his family is sent back to Somalia. “Shabab is everywhere. They cannot be finished just by closing the camp. If my kids go back there, they will recruit them like they forced me to join,” he says.
Meanwhile the United Nations continues its discussion with the Kenyan government to halt the closure of the camp and the new displacement of 350,000 people.
Mayor Charlie Hales was taken by the Somali teenagers as soon as he met them last summer.
The East African All Stars had ironed their button-down shirts and spoke of themselves as a family. They told the mayor they wanted to stay out of the trouble that dogged their neighborhoods. But they needed his help.
Hales talked Nike into giving the team uniforms. And in the nine months since Hales first met the young men, he has made the East African All Stars the face of his effort to involve immigrants and young people more often in city policy.
A photo of the team topped Hales’ end of the year accomplishments newsletter. The mayor gave them seats at his staff’s table during the annual state of the city speech. He shares Facebook posts chronicling their progress.
Hales spoke with The Oregonian about meeting the East African All Stars at an Iftar dinner last summer and about how getting “upstream” in a kid’s life can make a difference. His thoughts have been edited and condensed for length.
He met the boys at a Ramadan meal last July.
“These young men were there to explain that they were organizing themselves as a basketball team. I was pretty moved by just meeting them. Here are a bunch of really earnest young men who are both trying to understand the new world they live in here in the U.S. and get organized as a group and do what all young, testosterone-infused young men should do: get out there and get active. As the dad of sons, I know how powerful that drug called testosterone is. If they can get out on the basketball court or soccer field or anywhere else and burn that off in a positive way, then everyone wins. I was taken by that.”
Why he got involved
“There is constant bad news. Recently, there were three young African-American men involved in a string of armed robberies. They’re now in custody. Ack. In East Portland. Ack. There are negative stereotypes reinforced by actual events that have to be overcome.
“There are also positive examples that need to get celebrated. So how do we use the resources we have quickly to provide more positive opportunities for these kids? Obviously on a human scale, that’s the right thing to do. If all you care about is the money, it’s the right thing to do, when you look at the pennies we spend on youth basketball league compared to the dollars, hundreds of thousands of them, we spend on somebody in the criminal justice.”
What his office did to help
“(The East African All Stars) were having some trouble finding some practice space, so Antoinette Edwards in our office helped them find space. When this tournament came along, Antoinette heard that they needed jerseys and shorts to look like a team. I heard that request and said, ‘Let me go to work on that.’ That seems like something a mayor ought to be able to throw his weight around about.
He called Nike and asked for help
“Literally two days later, all these boxes showed up in our office.
“We can’t necessarily do that every time for everyone, but when there are moments like that, when we as a community can connect the dots and help young people that are doing positive things, we ought to always try to make it happen.
“We have lots of other cultures in Portland now compared to the traditional North American white culture that was predominate when I moved here. Part of my job is to deliberately try to understand the variety of cultures we have in this city and then look for ways for those new Portlanders to get engaged in their city.
What’s the risk?
“We had this conference called the What Works Conference. We had Robert Anda who is one of the coauthors of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, which is this massive research project that shows that …the incidents of adverse childhood experiences — violence, mom and dad with drug addiction, mom and dad with mental health problems, divorce — kids with zero or one adverse childhood experiences don’t show a lot of variation from the mean.
“When kids have three, four, five and six adverse childhood experiences, there’s an exponential change in their likelihood to experience school discipline, to fall behind academically, to end up in the criminal justice system, to use drugs or alcohol or have mental or physical health problems.
“If you get upstream in that young person’s life, and they have fewer adverse childhood experiences and they have a good education and they have recreational opportunities and they have a supportive social structure … if more kids have that childhood, and less kids have multiple adverse childhood experiences, then everybody once again wins.
“For those of us who are privileged, who don’t have to overcome those barriers, it’s important to think back, ‘Oh yeah, I did some dumb stuff in high school. I got in trouble a few times.’ But people cut me a break and gave me the opportunity to do it right. I didn’t get expelled from school disproportionately to the other kids. I had a supportive family structure and a community structure around me. I spoke the language. My parents were in the middle class.
“What kind of hill do these guys have to climb? Maybe somebody should try to give them a break or two, a lift or two as they do that.
“The E.A. All Stars are a great example of the young people in Portland. They are an example, but there are thousands of other kids who could use more opportunity, could use access to a great education, access to summer jobs and employment when they finish their education, who deserve access to an affordable college if they want to go to college.
“You can’t always predict what that hook will be and how it pulls them into a better future, but this little basketball team is one example of how it might make a big difference. Twenty years from now, some of those young men will be telling their stories.”
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Sababaha ka bixitaankooda, waxaa la sheegay in ay la xiriirto heshiisyo ay wada galeen AMISOM & Dowladda Soomaaliya, oo ka dhaqan geli waayey dhanka Dowladda; waxaanna qoddobada lagu heshiiyey ka mid ahaa: in ciidamo hoos taga Dowladda oo ay jidgooyooyin u yaalaan qeyb ka mid ah Sh/hoose, halkaasi laga kaxeeyo, taasoo suurtageli weysay.
Warar kale, oo laga soo xigtay dad ku sugan Janaale waxeey sheegayan in ka bixitaanka ciidamada AMISOM la xiriiro dadka ku dhaqan goobaha ay ciidamadaasi saldhigyada ku leeyihiin oo ku eedeeyeey AMISOM in aysan soo dhaafi karin xerooyinka ay ku sugan yihiin, iyaga oo aan waxba ku soo kordhin deegaanada ay ku sugan yihiin.
Ciidamo taabacsan Xarakada Alshabaab ayaa gaaf-wareegaya goobaha ay ka ka baxeen AMISOM, waxaanna dhici karta inay gacan ku heynta deegaanadaasi la wareegeen.
Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa ku fashilantay in ay abaabusho ciidamo suga ammaanka caasimada & Gobolada ay ilaalada ka hayaan AMISOM, waxaanna sababaha fashilkaasi keenay ay tahay iyada oo aan marna la dooneyn ciidamo xooggan oo Dowladda Soomaaliya ay qorato.
Hadaba waa ku wee 22 ka Cayaaryahan ee Garoonka lagu soo bilaabi doono.
Arsenal: Ospina, Bellerin, Koscielny, Mertesacker, Monreal, Coquelin, Ramsey, Ozil, Cazorla, Sanchez, Giroud
Subs: Szczesny, Debuchy, Gibbs, Wilshere, Walcott, Flamini, Welbeck
Chelsea: Courtois, Ivanovic, Cahill, Terry, Azpilicueta, Matic, Fabregas, Ramires, Oscar, Willian, Hazard
Subs: Cech, Filipe Luis, Zouma, Mikel, Loftus-Cheek, Cuadrado, Drogba.
loo beddeli doona, kaddib markii uu xulka dhaawac kaga haray da’yarka
Maxamuud Cabdinuur Maxamed (Meeman).
Xiddiga heerka caalami ee Bile, ayaa markii ugu horeeysay xulka waxa
uu u dheeli doona lambarka toddobaadk, halkii uu ka duullaan tagi
jiray weerarka ayuu maanta ka dagaal gelli doona garabka.
Meeman, ayaa waxa uu ahaa lambarka toddobaad ee xulka qaranka
Soomaaliya, waxana uu ciyaaryahankan dhaawac seedka la kulmay kulan
naadigiisa Jeenyo ay la qaadatay Somali Friut, taas oo keentay inuu ka
haro xulka.
Bile, ayaa waxa uu ka mid yahay xiddigaha Ocean Stars ee galabta ka
horjeedo dhigooda Rwanda.
W/D: Maxamed Shuuriye Nuur (Barakaat)
Dameerku Waa noole u baahan in la ixtiraamo Culumaduna waxa ay sheegaan in Qiyaamaha la isweeydiin doono sida aad ula dhaqanto.
hoos ka daawo Sawiro qaabka xad dhaafka ah oo ay u isticmaalaan Soomaalida Dameerka.
Somalia’s prime minister warned Thursday that the conflict in Yemen poses dangers across the Gulf of Aden where an influx of refugees is stretching scarce resources and Al-Qaeda militants are eager for support.
More than 2,000 refugees have so far arrived in the northern Somali regions of Puntland and Somaliland, with the UN refugee agency preparing to receive as many as 100,000 in the coming months.Those fleeing the fighting are a mixture of Yemenis and Somalis.
“Our economy cannot support this influx of refugees,” Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke told AFP during a visit to the Kenyan capital Nairobi on Thursday.”We need a lot of support to accommodate these refugees,” said Sharmarke, whose country has itself suffered from decades of civil war.
In the south of Somalia Al-Qaeda-aligned Shebab militants still hold sway in much of the countryside, despite being pushed out of most towns by a coalition of African Union and Somali troops. A string of militant leaders have also been killed in US drone strikes.
Sharmarke said “there’s a debate” within Shebab over whether to switch allegiance to Islamic State. But he warned that the strengthening of Al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula (AQAP), which has long had ties to Shebab and has taken advantage of Yemen’s strife to seize new territory, could benefit the Somali group.
The prime minister warned that Al-Qaeda operatives from Yemen could use the cover of fleeing refugees to infiltrate Somalia and called for stringent screening of new arrivals as well as a renewed regional effort to defeat Shebab.
“There’s a real sense of urgency for us in the region to quickly shut down the Jubba corridor,” said Sharmarke, referring to a riverine area in southern Somalia where Shebab fighters are concentrated. “Shebab is not a local issue but a regional one,” said Sharmarke. The group struck Uganda in 2010 and has attacked Kenya repeatedly, most recently killing 148 people at Garissa University earlier this month.
Referring to international coalitions currently fighting Boko Haram in Nigeria and Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Sharmarke said, “There has to be a regional solution to Shebab.” Sharmarke, who has both Somali and Canadian citizenship, was named prime minister in December, the second time he held the position.
caashaqa kadhex jira lamaanaha ayaa markasta laga ilaaliyaa dhaawac iyo saaameyn jcl balse arintan ayaa kunoqoneysa mid lama filaan ah iyadoo ey dhaawaci karto jiritaaanka iyo sii socoshada jclka.
Quburro u dhashay Dalka Hindiya oo la sheego in uu yahay wadan ku hormaray dhanka jaceylka ayaa Maanta shaaciyay in ay tahay dhibaato is raga lamaanaha si joogto ah.
Waxa ay sheegeen in bur bur joogto ah lagala kulmayo lamaanaha is jecel ee waqti waliba is arka oo wada kulma.
Laamanaha waa in ay isku xiisaan dabeetana ay kulmaan sidaasi ayaa kor loogu qaadi karaa jaceylka lamaanayashaa is jecel.
Ugu yaraan waa in lamaanayaashu ay kala maqnaadaan muddo 3 bari ah ama ka badan si ay isugu xiisaan laakiin kawaran haddii lamaanayaashu ay isla joogaan waqti kasta.
Quburada jaceylka qaarkood ayaa aaminsan fikir ka duwan kaasi qaarkood waxa ay leeyiheen wanaaga jaceylka ayaa waxa ay ku jiraa in la badiyo kulamada oo laga dhigo kuwo joogto ah.
Filmmaker: Mohammad Omar
Since 1991, after the collapse of the Siad Barre regime, a civil war in Somalia has triggered a steady exodus from the country that continues today.
Somalis regularly flee to Yemen which has had an open door policy towards them since the war began.
They travel by sea, in vessels they call “boats of death,” because their journeys are fraught with danger: They are at the mercy of people smugglers who charge around $100 a head to take them across the Gulf of Aden. If they are spotted by the Yemeni coastguard, the smugglers might even throw passengers overboard to save their own skins. And the oversized boats often capsize.
Once in Yemen, many of the refugees make their way to Kharaz refugee camp which, with its population of around 17,000, cannot accommodate the Somali refugees who now number 240,000, according to UN estimates.
Somali refugees in Yemen face an uncertain, often dangerous, future. They often live in poverty, struggle to find work, face discrimination and can fall victim to human trafficking.
For those who want to escape Yemen for Saudi Arabia, people smugglers will try and intervene and have been known to abduct and torture refugees. Since 2011, human traffickers have turned homes into “smugglers’ yards” where they imprison and torture Somalis. Even though the Yemeni authorities have closed down some “yards”, they invariably re-open in other districts.
In this film, we hear the stories of refugees at Kharaz refugee camp and others in Sanaa trying to start a new life in the city. We speak to the aid agencies and officials; and we track down and confront the human smugglers who kidnap and abuse the vulnerability of refugees whose families can face ransom demands.
Now, with Yemen embroiled in fresh internal conflict and cutting humanitarian aid, the UN can only afford to do the bare minimum. Some Somalis want to return home but the UN cannot send them back to a war zone. Unless the refugees can find their own way out of the country, they will remain trapped indefinitely in Yemen.

DUBAI – Somalia’s Premier Bank has struck a deal with Mastercard and will issue debit cards and install ATM machines in the capital of the war-ravaged country, the Islamic lender’s top executive said on Wednesday.
The east African nation has struggled for more than two decades with civil war and containing an insurrection by Islamist militants which has meant even basic infrastructure has been beyond most of the country’s 10 million people.
Yet with al Shabaab militants driven out of the capital Mogadishu and other major strongholds, business and consumer demand has grown for services which would be taken for granted in many other parts of the world, including banking.
“Somalia is a very under-penetrated market with less than 3 percent of its population banked,” Mahat Mohamed Ahmed, managing director of Premier Bank, which received a licence from the central bank last year, told Reuters in Dubai.
Carrying local currency in Somalia, a de facto dollarized economy, is cumbersome as $1 is worth 21,000 Somali shillings, and the only note in circulation is 1,000 shillings. For wealthier Somalis and visiting foreigners, carrying cash can be a dangerous task in cities rife with crime and awash with guns.
Ahmed said in an interview that the Islamic lender, one of a handful of banks in Somalia, will soon start distributing Mastercard-administered debit and prepaid cards to customers. It plans to have 15,000 cards issued by the end of 2015 and says its ATM machines will also accept cards issued abroad.
MasterCard’s spokeswoman for Africa said it had licensed Premier Bank to go live with their cards and machines.
However, Somali banks may struggle to convince the local population to sign up to debit cards, which might charge for withdrawals, as most Somalis use ubiquitous cheap, or free, mobile money technology to pay for goods and services.
Premier has bought five ATM machines and will install them in various locations with high security in Mogadishu, Ahmed said. With a withdrawal limit of $1,000 a day, the cards can be used online and abroad.
Salaam Somali Bank installed the sole ATM in Somalia in an upmarket hotel in Mogadishu last year. However, central bank sources and hotel visitors say it does not work.
Salaam did not respond to requests for comment.
Creating a banking system from scratch is proving problematic for Somalia. The U.S. terms al Qaeda-aligned al Shabaab a “terrorist organisation” and this has raised concerns in international banking about the risk of fines if money channelled through them ends up in the hands of the militants.
Premier has one of Somalia’s four registered SWIFT codes but Somali lenders are struggling to build networks of correspondent banks for cross-border transactions due to fears about money-laundering and terrorist financing.
“Anti-money laundering is a huge issue for dealing with international banks. They don’t want to deal with Somali banks,” Ahmed said.
Somalis have traditionally dealt with informal and unregulated money transfer firms. But these money transfer firms that send much of diaspora remittances to Somalia are also struggling as correspondent banks shut their accounts, driven by the same worries about funding militant groups.
Yet despite all the challenges, Ahmed believes the security improvements in Somalia have heralded huge business opportunities: “(It) has encouraged Somalis overseas to come back and invest in the country.”
(Additional reporting by Abdi Sheikh in Mogadishu and Drazen Jorgic in Nairobi; Editing by David French, Drazen Jorgic and David Clarke)
Kooxihii xaley is wajahey waxa eey kala ahaayeen Barcelona iyo PSG, laakiin kulankii cajiibka ahaa waxa uu dhex marey kooxaha Buyern Muchen iyo FC Port, waxaana meesha ka baxey rajadii kooxda FC Port0 eey ka laheyd wareega semi-finalka ee champions league-ga.
Barcelona 2 – 0 PSG
Goolasha: 14, 34 Neymar,
Cel celiska Labadii kulan Barcelona 5 – 1 PSG
Buyern Muchen 6 – 1 FC Porto
Buyern Muchen
Goolasha: 14 Thiago, 22 Boateng, 27 Lewandowski, 36 Mueller, 40 Lewandowski, 88 Xabi Alonso.
FC Porto
74 Jackson Martinez.
Barcelona iyo Buyern Muchen ayaan sidaas ugu soo gudbey wareega semi-finalka ee champions league-ga.
Cilmi baarayaal ka socda ururka hurdada Mareykanka ayaa sheegaya inay jiraan baahiyo kala duwan oo hurdada ah oo ay qabaan koox da’aad kasta, sidaa daraadeedna adiga waa intee baahidaada hurdo?
Inta badan dadka waa ay yaqaanaan marka aysan helin hurdo aan ku filneyn balse imise ayaa ku filan qofka? Cilmi baarista dhawaan ay Mareykanka sameeyeen ayaa sheegeysa in jawaabta ay ku xiran tahay da’ada.
Joogteyn la’aanta waqtiga hurdada, waxyaabaha kiciya jirka sida qaxwaha, cabitaanada awoodda keena, saacadaha lagu kaco iyo iftiinka maalinti ayaa ah waxyaabo dhammaan wax ka badala wareegga loo yaqaano saacadda jirka.
Ururka hurdada Mareykanka oo ah urur gargaar oo deggan Virginia ayaa sheegaya in nolosha shaqsiyadeed ee qofka ay fure u tahay fahamka baahida hurdo inkastoo ay jiraan talooyin badan iyadoo la fiirinayo inta aad jirto.
Caruurta marka ay dhashaan ilaa 3 bilood ayey tahay inay hurdaan inta u dhaxeysa 14 ilaa 17 saacadood maalin kasta. Waxaa kaloo la sheegayaa in 11 ilaa 13 saacadood ay ku filan tahay. Laguma taliyo in wax ka badan 19 saacadood uu jiifo cunugga.
Caruurta u dhaxeysa 4 ilaa 11 bilood ayey tahay inay hurdaan 12 ilaa 15 saacadood. Saacadda ugu yar oo ay tahay inay hurdaan ayaa ah 10 saacadood, mana ahan inay hurdaan wax ka badan 18 saacadood.
Hal ilaa labo jir caruurta ahna, waa inay hurdaan inta u dhaxeysa 11 ilaa 14 saacadood, waana hurdi karaan 9 ilaa 16 saacadood.
Kuwa ka yar da’ada dugsiyada oo jira 3 ilaa 5 sano ayey tahay inay hurdaan 10 ilaa 13 saacadood. In ka yar 8 saacadood ama ka badan 14 saacadood ma haboona inay hurdaan.
Caruurta dugsiyda ku jira oo u dhaxeeya 6 ilaa 13 sano ayaa lagu taliyay inay hurdaan 9 ilaa 11 saacadood. Wixii ka yar 7 saacadood ama ka badan 12 uma wanaagsana caafimaadkooda.
Kuwa jira 14 ilaa 17 waxaa lagu taliyaa inay hurdaan 8 ilaa 10 saacadood, waxaana laga digay hurdada 11 saac ka badan iyo midda ka yar 7 saacadood.
Dhalinyarada da’adoodu u dhexeysa 18 ilaa 25 ayey tahay inay hurdaan inta u dhaxeysa 7 ilaa 9 saacadood balse wixii ka yar 6 ama ka badan 11 ayeysan habooneyn.
Dadka waaweyn ee u dhexeeya 26 ilaa 64 ayaa iyana la mid ah dhalinyarada halka kuwa jira 65 iyo wixii ka weyn ay caafimaad u tahay inay hurdaan 7 ilaa 8 saacadood maalinkii. Waxaana lagu taliyay inaysan hurdin wax ka yar 5 saacadood ama ka badan 9 saacadood.
Qubarada hurdada ee ururka NSF ayaa daabacay talooyin dhowr ah oo kor loogu qaadayo tayada hurdada. Waxaana ka mid ah in ugu horeyn laga dhigo midda ugu horeysa hurada. Talooyinkooda waxaa ka mid ah:
In la joogteeyo jadwalka hurdada xitaa hadii ay tahay maalmaha fasaxa.
In la sameeyo waqti sariirta lagu nasto.
In la hubiyo heerkulka, dhawaaqa iyo iftiinka qolka jiifka.
In lagu hurdo joodari iyo barkin raaxo ah.
Ka fogow waxa hurdada xada sida waxa jirka kiciya.
Iska dami qalabka elektaroonikada ka hor jiifka.
Dahir Amiin Jeesoow ayaa Waxaa Dowlada Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ku Dhaliilay in ay Calanka u Luleeyso Xasuuqda Baahsan Ee maamulka Raaskambooni uu ka wado Magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka jubada Hoose
Magaalada kismaayo Waxaa Aalaaba laga soo Wariyaa ruux la dilay oo lag helay xeebta gurigiisana lagala baxay taasi oo marar qaar sheekooyin badan mugdi galineeyso Cidamada maamulka Jubba yo Kuwa kenya ayaana Eedaasi Dusha looga Tuuraa
Falalka Qayaxan ee Ka Dhaco Kismaayo Wali laMa’arag Ruux oo loo Qabtay Taas iyana Waaa Su’aal Jawaab u Baahan oo Mudan in la weeydiiyo Hogaamiyaha Raaskamboonyiinta Axmed Madoobe Iyo Xulufadiisa
Kenya iyo Ethopia ayaa la sheegaa in ay Xasuuqa Axmed Madoobe Garab ku Siyaan Dadka Qaar ayaa Waxaa ay sheegayaa in beello gaar a beegsanaayo taas oo Dhuun Qabad u ah Xasil Ku Noolaanshaha Dadka
Xildhibaan Dahir Amiin Jeesow oo ah Guddoomiye kuxigenka Guddiga Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya , ayaa ku eedeeyay in Axmed Madoobe dhibaato ku hayo bulshada ku dhaqan Gobolada Jubooyinka ayna Ciidamada Kismaayo ka wadaan gabood falo.
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Beesha Caalamka ayuu Weeydiiyay in ay suura gal tahay in indha laga laabto Arimaha Kismaayo ay ka wadaan Axmed madoobeGabra iyo Maxamed Cabd Affeey
At least ten people have been killed in an attack on a UN vehicle in Garowe, the capital of Puntland in northeastern Somalia, local security sources told Al Jazeera.
Four UNICEF staff members were among the dead and four other staff members were in a serious condition, the United Nations Children’s Fund said in a statement on Monday.
Abdiwali Hirsi, Puntland’s Information Minister, told Al Jazeera that two other victims were Somali security guards. The seventh victim was yet to be identified.
UNICEF said the attack occurred when the vehicle travelled from a guest house to the UN agency’s office in Garowe in the autonomous Puntland region, adding that the UN was presently contacting families of the staff and airlifting the injured.
The victims were an integral part of UNICEF’s work in Somalia, “dedicated to improving the lives of others”, the statement said.
Al-Shabab claims attack