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Somalis flee to Hungary to escape violence

hungary3Refugees who fled their homes and finally found themselves safe in host countries still can’t be sure of their future, leaving in constant fear of deportation. RT met with a group of Somali asylum seekers in Hungary.

Elmi Sharif Muhmed has been in the country for a month and already has lots of friends.

“Life in the camp is very good. They give us shelter and everything we need for everyday life,” he said.

Football is a traditional pastime from home: for which there’s plenty of time for while they wait hoping Hungary will allow them to stay. In the mean time they are looked after in their new temporary surroundings.

According to Hungary’s Immigration Office Tihanics Joisef:

“Refugees here are fed three times a day. Single women have separate accommodation. Children go to Hungarian schools. Adult refugees can come and go as they please as long as we know where they are and when to expect them back.”

Elmi is anxious over his future, as it is now in the hands of the Hungarian government, which will decide whether or not he can stay in Europe for good.

If he gets the green light, he hopes he can reunite with his family in Europe, should they survive the danger, violence and uncertainty back in Somalia:

“We haven’t got any kind of relationship because I can’t afford to speak to them. I’m very worried about them…I don’t know if they are alive. I left my mother and two brothers.”

Elmi and several other refugees were the only people willing to talk to RT, hoping their family would see that they are safe in a small city in far-away Hungary.

For most refugees it is too dangerous to be recognized on television as many have fled after being persecuted back in a place they used to call home.



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