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Lena from Germany wins Eurovision Song Contest 2010 (VIDEO from DAILYGA)

LENAOSLO — Germany won this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo on Saturday with the punchy pop ballad “Satellite” sung by Lena, the second German to win the extravagant talent contest in its 55-year history.

“I’m so happy and so thankful and so grateful and I never thought that we could do this,” the 19-year-old, who just finished her final exams, said.

Dark red lips trembling with emotion, the singer told the show’s hosts she did not feel strong enough to lift her trophy.

“Thank you! This is so absolutely awesome and I feel like just, this is not real,” she said, a German flag in her hands.

Germany last won the contest in 1982 and as this year’s winner, will host the show next year.

Here is the winning video [via DAILYGA.COM ]



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Bartamaha Staff Writer - Location: Columbus, Ohio
Category : Madadaalo | Entertainment.
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