
King Khalid iyo Bartamaha oo hees kale soo wada saaray: MUQDISHO

Bartamaha Digital Studio ayaa mar kale soo saaray hees cusub oo uu qaadayo fanaankeena caanka ah ee King Khalid, Heestan ayaa King Khalid uu ugu deeqay magaala madaxdeena Muqdisho, wuxuuna ugu magac daray Muqdisho.

Bartamaha ayaa u mahadnaqaya sida sharafta leh ee uu fanaanku ula shaqeeyey, sidaad ogtihiinna King Khalid waa fanaan aad u xushmeeya Soomaalida fanka xiiseysa.




About Chief Editor

Abdirizak Yonis is a senior chief editor at Bartamaha Media (a SMO "Somali Multimedia Organisation" Company), where he oversees the Bartamaha News outlet. Abdirizak was previously the National news editor of Bartamaha dot com. He has written for the site since the late 2012
Category : First Look, Madadaalo | Entertainment.
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