
Whose interest are we protecting?

somali-mapIt is very unfortunate that we still entertain the dream of Somali nationhood, after 19 years of civil war and anarchy. There have been numerous national reconciliation conferences held by the international community and the African Union to secure a lasting peace in Somalia, but to no avail. However, the lack of an agreeable consensus by the warring parties accompanied by the lack of a sense of nationalism hindered the prospect of establishing a national government and the cessation of hostilities.

      The diverse interest of our neighbors, namely Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Arab States and numerous NGO’s seems to be one of the main obstacles towards the path of a Somali nation. History will eventually judge how Ethiopian and Eritrean conflict contributed to the rift of our warring parties and the sinister political intentions of Ismail Omar Ghelleh towards the clan division of Somalia. Nevertheless, Conventional wisdom dictates that Kenya is the benefactor of the Somali political status quo.

        The question is, whose interest are we protecting; ours or the abovementioned countries? Every Somali national should think of solving this puzzle.  Every elected Somali head of state came through a mechanism either agreed by all the attendees of the conference or imposed by the international community with the influence of the host country, like Kenya, Djibouti or Ethiopia. It is not my prerogative to judge the validity of the mechanism or the process of selection; however, I am of the view of giving a chance of any new establishment to proof its effectiveness and its approach in redeeming the stability and the unity of our nation.

      Only if we forsake our selfish interest can result in accomplishing a common national goal, hence, the path towards the re-establishment of our beautiful Somalia should be the convergent goal of every Somali. There are, of course, thorny bushes towards that path, but our commitment in achieving our goal should be the paramount target.

      Ashkir Ali (Birike)

      Columbus, Ohio




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Bartamaha Staff Writer - Location: Columbus, Ohio
Category : Maqaallo / Articles.
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