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W/Q: Sabriye Macallin  Muuse — Qormadayda maanta waxaan rabaa in aan laba qodob ku qaadaa dhigo. 1- NINKII NIN DILA IN LA DILO NOLOL BAA KU JIRTA Alle subxaanahu wa tacaala wuxuu Aayadda Qur’aanka ah ku leeyahay: قَالَ اللهُ تَعَالَى: {وَلَكُمْ فِي الْقِصَاصِ...Continue reading »

W/Q: C/qadir Cabdi — Alshabaab waa urur Soomaaliya haatan ka hana qaaday, lana dhihi karo waa ururkii Islaamiga ahaa ee ugu danbeeyey  ee Soomaaliya  hana kaqaaday. Ururku ilaa hadda uma soo gudbin shacabka Soomaaliyeed ujeedooyinkiisa, dastuurkiisa, barnaamijkiisa siyaasadeed iyo sida uu ula falgalayo caqabadaha ka dhex jira bulshada Soomaaliyeed. Dabcan kaafi...Continue reading »

  by Abukar Arman — In light of the rising violence in Mogadishu and how dramatically power seems to be slipping out of the hands of the unity government, the specter of what is commonly referred to as “the curse” is once again creeping back into the Somali collective psyche. In the eighteen years since the collapse of the central government, fifteen...Continue reading »

Dayib Atto By Dayib Atto — The year 2009 has been designated as the international year of Astronomy commemorating the night four hundred years ago when Galileo Galilei peered through his telescope into the night, and saw things in the sky that no human has ever seen before, moons orbiting other planets, moons and planets that seemed to move, visions that brought...Continue reading »

It is very unfortunate that we still entertain the dream of Somali nationhood, after 19 years of civil war and anarchy. There have been numerous national reconciliation conferences held by the international community and the African Union to secure a lasting peace in Somalia, but to no avail. However, the lack of an agreeable consensus by the warring parties accompanied...Continue reading »

W/Q Abdulkadir Abdi Hordhac Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys ayaa barnaamijka hadalhaynta ee Horn Afrik  asbuucan  marti ku ahaa isagoo ka jawaabayey su?aalaha shacabka  iyo waxgaradku soo weydiinayeen. Sheekhu wuxuu ku ammaannaa, ka qaybgalayaasha qaarkoodna ku bogaadyeen  in waqtigan uu dadka soo hor fariisto oo su?aalahooda toos uga jawaabo, una dul qaato su?aalaha...Continue reading »

Sabriye Macallin Muuse - [email protected] Soomaaliya tan iyo xornimadii inay soo xukumi jireen madax kala heer-heer ah, hase yeeshee ka siman inay nidaam cilmaani ah iyo dastuur Talyaani dalka ku xukumi jireen, diintuna ahayd mid ku kooban dugsiyada Qur’aanka, masaajidda tafsiirka iyo xadiithka iyo mowlacyada dikriga iyo fooxa, beerka ka ogsooni. Maanta,...Continue reading »

Aar Maanta is a UK based Somali artist, described by young British Somalis as “the voice of our generation.” By Aar Maanta (Published by Musicouch) — After seeing my recent press release regarding my new album an international news agency contacted me. They asked me if I would like to go on their program and air my views on recent events regarding...Continue reading »

Elizabeth Dickinson Just months after the country’s new Transitional Federal Government (TGF) was inagurated, the Islamist opposition (including the now-infamous al-Shabaab) is trying pretty hard to bring it down. In the last week, clashes between government and opposition Islamist forces have sent 30,000 people fleeing Mogadishu,  UNHCR reported today. “Hundreds...Continue reading »

Amiirka ururka Al-shabaab Sh Mukhtaar Abuu-Zubeyr ayaa maalintii shalay 13/05/2009, markii ugu horreysay soo diray cajalad maqal ah oo saxaafadda laga sii daayay isaga oo uga hadlay arrimo badan oo ay ugu horreeyaan dagaallada lagu hoobtay ee Muqdisho ka socda. Haddaba, waxaan jeclaystay in aan akhristeyaasha waxyar uga iftiimiyo ninkaas xogtiisa dhabta ah inta aan ka...Continue reading »

8- 9-10 ASLUUBAHA: HAMBALYAYNTA, BUKAAN BOOQASHADA IYO TACSIYAYNTA: 8- ASLUUBTA: HAMBALYAYNTA Anshaxa bulshada ee kolka ubadka xag barbaarin laga diyaarinayo, qofnimadiisana la dhisayo in isha lagu haayo loo baahan yahay, waxaa kamid ah in lagu abaabiyo asluubta hambalyaynta, lana baro qaabkeeda iyo tiirarkeeda. Waxa taas loola jeedaa in hadhow marka uu koro; bulsho...Continue reading »

By REBECCA MACAUX and PHILIP PRIMEAU   Counter Punch With the explosion of Somali piracy, America is reaping what it has sown. In many ways, we have nobody to blame but ourselves for the emergence of high-seas crime threatening to disrupt important lanes of trade.            America’s support for a violent strongman during Somalia’s...Continue reading »

Globe and Mail Editorial — The eventual ending of Somali piracy will depend on both law and force. Pirates who are captured need to be effectively prosecuted, and the navies of world must pursue pirates to the towns on the Somali coast where they live, in rising prosperity. The rescue of Captain Richard Phillips by the U.S. Navy, after an attack authorized by President...Continue reading »

Hibo Ibraahim “Get married” Is all that my family and friends seem to be telling me to do these days.  And then do what?  Foot the bills and run the household? Today married, tomorrow divorced isn’t that the theme of the century?  I mean given the rate at which marriages seem to dissolve nowadays who in their right mind would actually want to...Continue reading »

Osman Osman Much of the world’s attention is currently focused on the Somali sea lanes. The navies of big and small powers are converging on the Somali waters in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. The recent hijacking Somali pirates took over a U.S.-flagged ship near the Horn of Africa capturing about 21 American crew members. Somali pirates captured world media...Continue reading »

Waxaa Qoray: Sabriye Musse Email:[email protected] W.Q. – Sabriye Musse Umu-Sulaym waxa loo yaqiin Al-Gumaysaa’. Magaceeda saxda ahise wuxuu ahaa Sahla bintu Milxaan bin Khaalid Al-Khazrajiya Al-Ansaariya. Waxa kale oo lagu naanaysi jiray Umu-Aanas ibni Maalik. Umu-Sulaym waxay ku jirtaa haweenka taariikhda islaamka baal dahab ah ka galay, waxayna kamid...Continue reading »

Jeremy Scahill By Jeremy Scahill – (Rebel reports) The Somali pirates who took control of the 17,000-ton “Maersk Alabama” cargo-ship in the early hours of Wednesday morning probably were unaware that the ship they were boarding belonged to a US Department of Defense contractor with “top security clearance,” which does a half-billion dollars...Continue reading »

By Dr. Mohamed Osman Nur-Shacabi The present political climate in Riyales’ Government, in which opposition parties are not able to operate freely and safely, is in no way conducive to the holding of free, fair, and credible Presidential elections scheduled first on March 2009 or the new date of the Somaliland Commission has declared to be on May 31, 2009. The primary...Continue reading »

Waxay aheyd Lixdii Aroornimo goortay diyaaradu ka caga-qaadatay gegida dayuuradaha ee Minyaabulis-Saan Bool, anigoo ku fool leh gobalka Texas, si aan uga qayb qaato xaflad uu qaban-qaabiyey ururka Camuud Foundation. Hadafka ugu weyn ee xaflada loo qabtay waxay aheyd in la ururiyo lacag yabooh ah oo lagu hormariyo Soomaaliya. Gobalka Texas oo ka mid ah gobalada ugu qanisan...Continue reading »